Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Two Hats = Win Win

"I am a bit leary on what you do..." said one of my old friends who recently became a new client.

Reimagining the Vancouver Special on a tight budget 

(I get it)... Wearing two hats can be confusing for Clients. 

Marketing guru Nikita Morell (nikitamorell.com) says, keep your message simple: "We help X do Y by Z"

White Rock Land Assembly now a Seniors High Rise

So here goes:

Buyer: I help you find and negotiate the right land using an Architect's analysis. 

Getting the Most out of a Transit Oriented Development

Seller: I help you sell your land parcel for the best price using a Developer's mindset. 

2 Acre lower mainland Land Assembly

Everyone: Continuing on with the development permit design while the land deal closes, means your project moves forward as soon as possible = win win.

Andrew Scott Architecture and Planning: 
Architect + Realtor gets it moving A.S.A.P..

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